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Balearic locals give a mixed welcome

ONE in every four immigrants currently living in the Balearic Islands claim they are treated “badly” by the local population, but only a fifth would choose to return to their home country if they could, socio-cultural Gadeso Foundation reported yesterday.

A previous survey carried out by Gadeso had approached the question from the other end of the scale by asking the local Balearic population how they viewed immigrants. The conclusion of the research was that immigrants and unemployment were the two issues which local people felt most threatened their sense of security.

The most recent findings show that 32 percent of immigrants say they are treated “very well” by locals, whilst 38 percent say they are “fairly well” received by the Balearic population. Immigrants from the Maghreb and Subsahara are those who most say they are badly treated whilst Europeans from non EU member states are the most likely to say they were made to feel welcome in the Balearics.

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