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THE Centro Canino International animal refuge which was forced to close by Palma City Council last week following complaints from a neighbour over alleged noise made by the animals in the shelter's care over night yesterday sought to clarify statements made by Begoña Sanchez, of Palma City Council's Health department.

Concerning a Council order calling for the removal of dogs from the refuge, Sanchez reportedly said to the media in a recent statement: “You have to understand that noise regulations cannot distinguish between animal shelters and discotheques. If they surpass the level of decibels permitted, action must be taken.” The Vice-President of the Centro Canino, Julie Ford, said yesterday “interesting but some things just don't add up:
Discotheques are normally open at night and neighbours tend to complain because their sleep may be disrupted. Precisely for that reason, so as not to cause any disturbance to the few neighbours in the area at night, the dogs at the Centro Canino sleep in soundproofed kennels, from 6pm until 9am. “It therefore seems strange that the sound readings, on the part of Palma Council have never been taken at night,” she said in a statement. “Discotheques are often in or near to towns or cities, amidst a multitude of dwellings. The Centro Canino is located in a rural, agricultural area, is fairly isolated and has been converted from an intensive pig farm which came with a special licence. Of the few houses in the area, two or three are illegally-built second homes used only at weekends. “And what about airports and night flights?” she asks. “Double-glazing is not much use in Palma if windows are to be left open. According to a newspaper article about the Centro Canino, Begoña Sanchez argues that to take sound readings with windows closed is only a “recommendation of the European Union.” Could this be why they were taken with the windows open? “We believe this to be false anyway, as the law concerning noise specifies that sound readings should be carried out with windows closed, something which all councils throughout Spain and the Balearics adhere to - all except Palma,” said Ford.

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