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Spring depression in the Balearics

PSYCHIATRIC consultants in the Balearics reported yesterday that between 10 to 15 percent of the population in the Islands is prone to suffering from so-called Spring depression.

Since the end of March, they reported, approximately one in ten residents, mostly aged between 20 and 50 have been treated at local medical centres for symptoms such as tiredness, low self-esteem, sadness and low blood presure. Such conditions are typical of “Spring depression” and will disappear naturally in two to three weeks.

Maria Anontia Fe, a family doctor in Coll d'en Rabassa said that this depression is believed to be linked to climate changes and the difference in daylight hours which mark the seasons. A similar condition can be seen with the arrival of autumn, accentuated by post-holiday stress. There is, however, said the doctor, no pharmaceutical cure for Spring depression. Vitamins and minerals are not a solution because the condition is not due to the patient suffering from a lack of them, she said.

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