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Public company boss held

By Humphrey Carter

PALMA'S National Police anti-corruption squad yesterday arrested the former head of the public telecommunications company and Internet server Bitel.
Damia Vidal, who was head of the public company during the legislature of the PP government presided over by Jaume Matas between 2003 and 2007, was arrested along with three others yesterday morning.

The four are under the suspicion of having allegedly misappropriated up to 700'000 euros of public funds. The arrests have come as a result of an investigation launched by the National Police in response to claims lodged by the present board of Bitel which comes under the authority of the Balearic Ministry for Finance, Taxation and Innovation and continues to operate today.

According to sources close to the case yesterday, one of the areas of investigation has been the alleged illicit use of a credit card by the former Bitel boss to unaccountably spend “large sums of public money.” The police have also been investigating the alleged adjudication of contracts for work apparently never carried out. These contracts, according to the police, were always made out to the same companies or people. The National Police said last night that the investigation was far from closed and that more arrests may follow.

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