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Work starts today on Santa Isabel school

WORK to reinforce the Santa Isabel school in Palma will start today, after the tremors which it suffered on a few occasions between November and January, according to the Balearic Ministry of Education and Culture. Alarm was caused earlier this year by the tremors in the school and, although the Ministry said that the school was safe, the parents thought that their children were at risk and demanded that they be moved to other schools while reinforcement work was carried out on the building. According to the Ministry this measure will attempt to make the school, which is 70 years old, safer by reinforcing the structure of the building which could have deteriorated due to the passage of time. The Balearic Government's technical experts have said on many occasions that the cause of the tremors could be the underground work on the metro.
Although these are being carried out with every security measure in place, according to the experts the work could have produced a certain amount of disturbance which affected the school. While this reformation work is being carried out, the school's pupils are being taught at Santa Monica school and Calanova school.

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