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Tourist police want to be on the force full time


By Humphrey Carter

THIS Summer season may be looking to be one of the best since 2007, but the region's Tourist Police mounted a demonstration outside the Consolat de la Mar government headquarters yesterday in protest over the lack of Tourist Police there are going to be in resorts this year and the fact that they want to be fully incorporated in to the Local Police forces.

Of the 300 Tourist Police on the beat this season, 150 joined the protest in Palma calling for new and clear employment regulations which will enable them to become full time members of Local Police forces.

Under the current situation, which has been a bone of contention ever since the Tourist Police were first introduced eight years ago, they are hired for between six and nine months, but once the season is over, they are forced to sign on the dole until the season begins again.

The members of the Tourist Police, especially those “veterans” consider that they have the same training and qualifications as the full time members of the force and would be more use during the winter working the beat than sitting on the dole.

Spokesperson for the protest, Rafael Sastre said; “apart from the fact we want and need to be working 12 months of the year, we could also play an important role in improving citizen security by boosting the numbers of Local Police in key areas.” “What is more, while we at least have a guaranteed job for the six to nine months, the 500 interns which boost the force during the summer have the right to quit at any moment because they don't have a guaranteed position to look forward to,” he added. “And this year, due to the austerity cut backs, many local councils have less money to spend on expanding the Local Police force or hiring Tourist Police. We hope the politicians will take on board what we had to say and consider our demands,” he added.

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