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Nadal helps Manacor Council open theatre

Palma.—The financial deal, which was signed with the Mayor of Llevant, Antoni Pastor and the President of the Balearics, Jose Ramon Bauza, will mean that the local council now has the necessary funds to purchase all the technical equipment it needs for the new 785-seater auditorium.

Thanks to the generous donation, the council hopes to open the theatre to the general public in September.
Nadal said that he is extremely pleased to have been able to help the initiative both culturally and economically and admitted that he considers it a real “privilege” to have achieved so much in his sporting career and his personal life. “By making this donation, in a small way I am able to give something back to the town I was born in and, considering the current financial hardships, I am delighted to have been able to help,” the former World number one tennis star added.

President Bauza stressed the need for the public and private sectors to work together for the better of the local community after the three toured the seven million euro auditorium.

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