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GESA takes measures to protect wildlife

ELECTRICITY supply company in the Balearic Islands, GESA Endesa is checking on its installations across the region to minimise the impact that the power lines are having on wildlife.

The company is taking action within the framework of an agreement it signed in 2004 with the regional Environment ministry. In areas of the islands populated by species which are under threat of extinction, namely a rare breed of kite (Milvus milvus) and the fish eagle (Pandion haliaetus), GESA is obliged to remove high tension lines that in the past have caused deaths among the dwindling bird community.

In a report issued yesterday, GESA said that throughout last year, it carried out 154 modifications to their installations which when added to those completed since the agreement was first set up, total 531. The company said that the amount of money it has invested in such measures amounts to 385'000 euros. It stated in the report that the protected areas where it has taken action are at Es Amunts and Sant Josep on Ibiza; in Barcares in the Albufera natural wetlands in Alcudia on Majorca; and in Montgofre, Fornells and Addaia on Minorca.

The Environment ministry has simultaneously expressed its satisfaction with the action that GESA has undertaken to protect island wildlife.

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