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It's already summer in Majorca, says the Government


A 2.4 MILLION-euro campaign to attract more Spanish tourists to the Balearics was announced yesterday in Palma.
The Balearic Government is teaming up with some of the leading Spanish tour operators to try to attract Spaniards to the islands during the months of April, May, June, September and October, in other words outside the peak of the high season in July and August.

The cost of the campaign is being split equally between the Balearic Government and the tour operators.
The slogan for the campaign up to July will be “It's already summer in the Balearics.” Each of the four islands will be singled out in different posters. After August, the slogan will be “It's still summer in...” The image that the public on the Spanish mainland will see of the Balearics will be of island paradises, bathed in hot sun and with spectacular blue seas.

One of the particularities of the campaign is that the price of the trip will be included.
The Balearic Minister for Tourism, Francesc Buils, said yesterday that the islands were going through an “historic period” in relation to Spanish tourists.

He said their spending power was now almost equal to that of British tourists. Last year the number of Spanish visitors to the Balearics grew by 25 percent. This year, Buils predicted that figure would rise by 6 to 8 percent.

However, one of the aims of the campaign, at a difficult time for the economy, is to lure cash-strapped Spaniards away from travelling abroad.

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