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Water everywhere

“THE rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain”, so the saying goes.
Judging by the amount of water still in the water courses in the Soller valley this should be changed to “The rain in Majorca falls mainly in the torrentes”.

After the wettest April in memory and the torrential rain of last Saturday, the torrentes in the Soller valley are overflowing with clear, fast moving water, which has not been seen for quite some time on the island.

The waters have stabilised and diminished since Sunday, when the Torrent Major overflowed on the stretch which runs through the Port of Soller, flooding market gardens, houses, and the road, stopping the traffic, including the trams.

It must be remembered that on the last stretch of the Torrent Major it is joined by two other big torrentes, those of Biniaraix and Fornalutx.
Last Saturday these torrentes received more than 200 litres per square metre of rain in 24 hours, which was added to the amount of water already in the Torrent Major.

In addition to these two there are other, smaller, torrentes which join it, such as the Jaiot, Norais and Montreal torrentes.
It was not just the torrentes which presented a spectacular show, but throughout the valley wells and springs were also full to bursting point.
Because of this, there was water everywhere, spilling out onto ground which was already saturated by the rain which fell steadily over the weekend.

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