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By Humphrey Carter
PALMA airport's private jet terminal is enjoying a similar growth in air traffic and passengers as the main airport as Majorca continues to witness an annual increase in top-end of the market luxury tourists and visitors. Not only are the rich and famous who visit the island using Palma's newly re-developed private jet terminal but also wealthy holidaymakers, business people and rich residents. Last year, the terminal registered a 20 percent increase in private jet traffic handling 1'754 private jets as well as 4.859 “air taxis.” In total, Palma's private jet terminal handled over 15'000 passengers and that figure is forecast to rise over the course of this year.
In fact, the luxury private travel industry is booming with agencies offering a host of complementary services to private jet clients such as luxury hotel accommodation, restaurant reservations, private yachts and limousine airport service. Business clients appreciate the value and importance of being able to operate in accordance to their own schedule while maintaining a maximum amount of flexibility. For the rich and famous, apart from the comfort and luxury, using Palma's Aviacion General terminal offers maximum security, privacy and discretion. What is more, for those who can afford to travel in style, private jets are a perfect means of transport in an area like the Balearics where passengers can hop from one island to another. Out of Son Bonet, the old Palma airport, private helicopter shuttle services are also available for those who really want to keep out of the spotlight and enjoy their privacy at a luxury Balearic hideaway to the full.
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