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Double marathon blow for Ayesha, to miss big event

Calvia.—A double twist of fate has left Majorca based London Marathon entrant Ayesha Wood “devastated”. Ayesha and her friend Rob Seaman were due to run the London Marathon this Sunday but Ayesha's hopes have been dashed by injury and her emotions in turmoil after Monday's murderous bomb attack on the Boston Marathon, writes Frank Leavers.

The 35 year old event planner and co-host of Radio One Mallorca's Breakfast Show Ayesha has been in training for months but a nasty “22 stitch” gash in her shin has scuppered her chances of running in the race.

She told the Bulletin “I didn't think that I could feel any worse, and then I heard about the bomb in Boston. It's just awful, absolutely disgusting: how could someone do that to innocent people?” To compound her misery, Ayesha has been ordered not to take part in Sunday's Marathon for medical reasons by not one, but two doctors, as Ayesha stubbornly demanded a second opinion on her badly injured shin. “I am going to announce my withdrawal this morning on the show…..but I worry that people will think that I have done it because of the Boston attack: but that isn't why I am not running…..I am so angry and upset.” A tearful Ayesha went on to explain that Rob Seaman will still be running the Marathon as the pair has raised more than E6000 for their charity the Great Ormond Street Hospital. She also went on to say that if she were fit there was “no way” that she would have considered withdrawing from the run even in the light of what happened in Boston. “I think most runners in London will be even more determined to compete. If you didn't run because of that reason, it would be like giving in to the bombers.” A clearly emotional Ayesha confessed to me “I should have pulled out of the Marathon a couple of weeks ago, but I just hoped against hope that my leg would be ok: but what can you do?” With the bomb outrage and her injury troubles spinning around in her head Ayesha remarked, “With all that's going on, it just makes me more determined to have another go next year. In fact I want to run in some half Marathons before then.” “Please tell all the people who have sponsored and supported me over the past months that I am really sorry that I can't run for them.” Ayesha Wood my girl, you have nothing to apologise for at all!

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