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Driver arrested after dangerous car chase through Palma

By Humphrey Carter

A dangerous car chase through Palma in the early hours of yesterday morning nearly ended in tragedy.
The whole saga began at 12.15am just outside the Son Banya shanty town on the outskirts of the capital where a female driver was being tested for alcohol at a routine police checkpoint.

Having tested positive to the first test, the officers wanted to test her again and, while they returned to their van to collect another breath test kit, the female driver jumped back in to her Daewo, and sped off, knocking over two officers who tried to stop her and her companion from escaping.

Guardia Civil units immediately set off in hot pursuit of the fugitives while calls for back up were received by the Guardia Civil and the National Police.

According to police and emergency service sources, the women first headed towards Son Ferriol and during the chase, apparently tried to force one of the pursuing police cars off the road.

Eventually, driving at high speed, she managed to shake the police off her tail near Son Ferriol. However by then more units were involved and moments later, the National Police eventually picked her up along the Paseo Maritimo. A 091 vehicle tried to get close to the runaway car but the driver again tried to force the vehicle off the road, but the quick thinking police driver managed to avoid the collision and an accident. But, it was at this moment, that the driver lost control of her vehicle just in front of the GESA building.

The vehicle first careered into the crash barriers along the side of the road before bouncing off and coming to rest on the central reservation.
The driver, who was clearly upset, crying and swearing at the police, was arrested along with her companion. But, despite her car being a write off, neither of the two occupants were injured in the dangerous car chase which could have easily ended tragically.

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