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Wine sales in Balearicls are the worst for 8 years

SALES of quality wine in the Balearics crept up by 3.4 percent last year but nevertheless produced the worst figures for the last eight years. A spokesman for the industry said yesterday that the fall-off in trade could be linked to the current economic crisis.

The regional Agricultural ministry reported yesterday that 18'809'647 million euros worth of quality wines were sold in the Balearics last year. Amongst the key names of vinos de tierra (homegrown wine) companies claiming success were Binissalem, Pla i Llevant, V.T. Mallorca, and V.T. Illes Balears. In spite of what appears to be a major success, there were important downturns in the market - in the case of V.T. Illes Balears, the company sold 59.1 percent less than in 2007, and another company, the Serra de Tramuntana suffered a fall-off in trade of 27.4 percent.

The salvation of the industry in the region last year came in the form of the V.T. Mallorca company which managed to sell 5'765.37 hectolitres. The quantity represents a staggering 1'046.9 percent more than was produced and sold in 2007. V.T. Eivissa also managed to boost its income by 6.9 percent. Regardless, production has been dropping since 2006 both in homegrown wines (10.2 percent less between 2007 and 2008) and so-called denominación de origen “original trademark” products which have fallen off by 23.4 percent over the last two years.

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