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Bulletin master class for teachers

Staff reporter

THE three-day XXI Foreign Language Symposium drew to a close in Palma yesterday with a workshop given by the Daily Bulletin on the importance and role of language in the media.

The Bulletin' is used by a number of English teachers as an important and helpful teaching tool and yesterday, Humphrey Carter spent the morning explaining to some of those teachers how the newspaper comes together, its vision, its role in the Balearics and the difference between the spoken language and the written language in the print media.

There was plenty of feedback from the teachers about the many ways they use the newspaper and how they would like to have a more interactive relationship with the newspaper.

Many teachers also revealed that the newspaper is not only a vehicle to teach their students English, it is also a useful tool to get pupils interested in topics they would normally ignore such as politics, international affairs and social issues, not to mention the Premier League.

Teachers said that they also find it interesting to study and discuss the different angles from which the Bulletin treats local news stories in comparison to the local Spanish newspapers.

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