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Action wanted over illegal sales

THE Association of Second Hand Vehicle Dealers (AECO) wants the fines for the illegal sale of second hand vehicles to be increased and the vehicles towed away.

At present, Local Police can issue a fine of 60 euros, but the dealers want this increased to a minimum of 150 euros.
They also want the offending vehicle to be collected by the municipal breakdown truck and taken to the muncipal pound.
President of AECO, Bartomeu Salom, added that the group which he represents are “very tired of the fact that this has not yet been resolved” after some two years of protests to the municipal and regional authorities.

According to Salom, this acitivity “is not being pursued as it ought to be pursued” in spite of the fact that it generates a lot of money and, because of this, he said that he will again ask for meetings with political leaders, such as Jaume Matas, head of the Balearic government, after Easter.

In his opinion it is necessary that Palma council “has a breakdown truck available which can act immediately.” He claimed that this was a measure which would not fill up the municipal pounds, as these are vehicles with owners and in good condition.

In addition to this he asked that the local police should give the personal details of these people to the Tax Office.

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