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Palma.—The Chairman of the Grup Serra media organisation and founder of the Majorca Daily Bulletin 50 years ago, Pedro A. Serra M.B.E yesterday signed the book of condolence which has been open all week at the British Consulate in Palma for anyone wishing to pay tribute to the late Baroness Thatcher who passed away on Monday. The Editor of the Majorca Daily Bulletin, Jason Moore, also signed the book of condolence at the Consulate where the Union Flag will be flying at half mast again this week on the day of the funeral.

Pedro A. Serra was welcomed to the Consulate by the Vice-Consul Gillian Brion who said that there has been a steady flow of people wishing to leave a message of condolence in the book during the week, British and Spanish.

Books of condolence have been open all week in Consulates around the country and at the Embassy in Madrid where it will remain open indefinitely.
Here in Palma, it was closed yesterday lunchtime.

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