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Palma's new hospital ready “before the end of the year”


WORK on the new hospital at Son Espases in Palma will be complete by October and will open to the public before the end of the year, Balearic President Francesc Antich said yesterday.

Antich, accompanied by regional Health Minister Vicenç Thomàs, was speaking during a visit to the hospital construction site where he said that work was continuing at a “good pace” and that the aspect of the building had “changed greatly” since his last visit only a few months ago.

The President highlighted the fact that investment in the new hospital will mean the provision of an increased number of operating theatres, a more expansive emergency treatment unit, a fully-developed psychiatric department as well as a medical teaching centre and research laboratories. Antich said the hospital would be a major contribution to the health of people living in the Balearic Islands and that the government was liaising with Palma City Council to ensure that a public bus service would ferry people out to Son Espases from Palma.

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