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Value for money is the most important factor for holiday Britons; survey


WORRIES over exchange rates in the eurozone have now evaporated, according to Holidays Extras.
Its Barometer project of holiday trends has revealed just 1% of those surveyed said the euro-pound exchange rate would influence their destination decision this year.

Similarly, green concerns over the environment loomed much larger last year, with11% of British holidaymakers saying this would influence their holiday destination, compared with 3% in 2010.

The survey also said UK holidaymakers would cut back on the number of holidays they would take this year, but that they would spend more on their holidays and would demand greater value for money.

Value for money is the most important factor for those wanting a break, with 64% citing it as their top consideration – 24% more than last year. Weather came in as the second most important issue.

Meanwhile, around 62% of Britons said they were planning to take one or two holidays this year, but popularity in mini-breaks has dropped significantly.

Those who say they will take five or more holidays before July has fallen by 25% year-on-year, with women cutting back more than men.
Chief executive Matthew Pack said: “Last summer was the year of the ‘staycation' but the British weather seems to have knocked that holiday trend on the head. “This year we're all heading for the sun and voting for quality over quantity, which is excellent news for the country's travel trade if not for UK hoteliers and B&B operators.”

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