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More than half Balearic homes have a computer

SOME 53.4 percent of Balearic homes had a computer in the second half of 2005 and 38 percent also had access to the internet at home, according to figures published yesterday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The figures also revealed that 29.47 percent of homes were connected to the internet through a broadband connection (ADSL, RDSI and cable network), two percentage points more than the national average. Some 85 percent of homes had a landline telephone, which is similar to the national average of 84.5 percent.
According to the poll, some 55.26 percent of Balearic residents had used the computer in the last three months, while some 48.8 percent had used the internet and 9.8 percent had made purchases over the internet. Of the people who bought over the internet, 71.5 percent bought flight tickets or holiday accommodation, while 19.3 percent opted for books or magazines. The others bought computer equipment, clothes, sporting equipment, videos, music, or household goods.
Of all Balearic homes with a television, 21.5 percent have a satellite dish (four points above the national average), of which 14.5 percent have cable and only 1.01 have digital television.

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