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The old Mustang Ranch catches fire

Palma.—One of Palma's infamous landmark buildings, the former night club Mustang Ranch, caught fire early yesterday afternoon.
The fire at the club, which has since been converted into a restaurant and macro-theatre, was reported just after 2pm when a huge column of smoke was reported billowing from the property by neighbours and drivers on the Via Centura.

Local Police and units from the Palma fire brigade rushed to the scene and the police immediately cordoned off surrounding streets so that the emergency service could access the blaze without any complications.

The fire had actually started in an annex to the main building but the smoke was extremely thick and fire fighters needed breathing apparatus to tackle the blaze.

Teams of fire fighters burdened by the heavy breathing equipment took it in turns to battle the blaze.
About an hour-and-a-half later the fire was brought under control and extinguished and some of the teams of fire fighters began withdrawing from the scene while fresh units arrived to ensure that the blaze was out and also inspect the property to assess the true extent of the damage.

The cause of the fire was still being investigated yesterday evening and fire inspectors will return to the scene today.
Fire brigade sources confirmed that none of the fire fighters have been hurt in the operation.

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