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Applause for Palma ban on animal fair attractions


BALEARIC Animal Defense Group, Baldea, congratulated Palma City Council yesterday for banning attractions using animals at the Easter Fair (Fira del Ram)even though they have been permitted in previous years.

Baldea issued a statement yesterday saying: “At last, animal lovers can visit the Easter Fair in peace, knowing that they are not going to be tortured by the site of ponies being forced to walk round in circles for hours, attached to a mechanical roundabout and exposed to deafening noises.

Apparently, at the sight of this spectacle in 2008, many people had complained and a report was sent not just to Palma City Council but also to the regional Ministry for Agriculture and the Society for the Protection of Animals. Baldea said they had denounced the practice in March last year due to it infringing several aspects of a 1992 Animal Protection law. But it was not just in connection with the ponies that the complaint had been made - they also complained that smaller creatures such as goldfish and reptiles were repeatedly being used as prizes at the fair, in flagrant contravention of the same law. Baldea said that the creatures were often being given to children who had no original intention of acquiring them and therefore often ended up being thrown away. Complaints had been received about plastic bags filled with water and goldfish being found on the outskirts of the fairground, or fish which were dying in pools of water beside broken plastic bags. When the Society for the Protection of Animals learned of the fair organisers intentions to repeat the animal spectacles again this year in spite of the complaints, Palma City Council were notified and a prohibition order was issued.

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