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Britons held over Alcudia tourist death released, German taken to prison

THE two Britons arrested on Sunday in connection with the death of a British holiday maker in the family resort of Alcudia were yesterday released with charges after appearing before a remand hearing in Inca. The third suspect, a German resident, was last night being held in Palma prison.

At mid-day yesterday, the three suspects and the travel companions of the 32-year-old victim appeared in court. The victim's friends were apparently vital to the hearing because they actually saw what happened and their statements provided investigators with further evidence that it was allegedly the 23-year-old German who dealt Matthew Laurie Blue the blow to the temple which was later to prove fatal.

According to sources close to the investigation, the German apparently blamed the two British suspects, while they pointed the finger at him.
Nevertheless, based on what the judge heard yesterday and the initial police report, the German was ordered to be held in prison and the two Britons released with charges.

Blue's friends later flew home to Britain yesterday evening and, once the autopsy on the victim's body has been completed, Blue's body will be repatriated.

The Port of Alcudia was left reeling from another isolated incident yesterday after it was revealed that a 25-year-old local resident has slipped into a coma in Son Dureta hospital after being involved in another fight in the Port a few days ago.

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