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European Union sends part of food mountain to Palma

PART of the European Union food mountain has been sent to the Balearics, where it will be distributed to non-government and charitable organisations.
Ramón Socías, the central government representative to the Balearics, announced that nearly 75 tons of food had been received from the central ministry of agriculture and fisheries.

Socías was accompanied by Manuel Marco, president of the Food Bank, which is in charge of distributing the food to the 61 organisations which have requested the aid.

Socías explained that the shop value of the food was 171'000 euros and the gesture showed “double solidarity” as the European Union purchased excess production and promoted its transformation, sending it to people in need.

The food includes rice pudding, biscuits, flour, powdered milk, custard, pasta and cheese portions.
An estimated 16'000 people will benefit from the food.
Distribution is due to start today and it is the first of four consignments from the European Union food mountain which will be sent to the Balearics this year. The other three will be even bigger, Marco said.

He explained that the associations which have requested the food will pick it up with their own means of transport from the head office of the messenger company SEUR, which is collaborating with the project. However, the Food Bank will also deliver for associations which do not have a van.

Marco added that a close check is kept on how the food is distributed.

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