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Calvia residents said to be highest rate payers

CALVIA is the municipality of the Balearics where residents pay the highest rates and taxes, a Balearic local authority financing watchdog claimed yesterday.

The level of taxation, said the watchdog, is significantly higher than other large municipalities such as Palma, Llucmajor and Alcudia.
Once the findings had been made public, the opposition parties on Calvia Town Council were quick to criticise the Partido Popular government of Mayor Carlos Delgado. “DECLINING QUALITY OF SERVICE” “The quality of services provided by Calvia town council is in decline even though residents and businesses are having to pay the highest local authority rates in the Balearic Islands,” an opposition spokesman said at a full Council meeting yesterday.

He furthered that despite the high bills that residents are paying and the fact that economic recovery is far from being in evidence, the council is still taking out bank loans for public spending which pushes up debt levels.

The spokesman alleged that 3 out of every 4 euros of public money is spent on council staff - including advisers and consultants - along with advertising and propaganda.

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