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THE President of the Majorcan Tourist Board, Pedro Iriondo, who came under fire this week for his allegedly “racist” comments about immigrant workers in the tourist industry and low cost airlines not bringing “quality tourists” is going to appear before the board of the Tourist Board next week.

While Iriondo is refusing to step down, despite calls from the unions and the Balearic President, Francesc Antich, to do so, the Balearic government spokesperson and Minister for Tourism and Employment, kept the pressure on Iriondo yesterday.

Joana Barcelo said yesterday that it was “highly irresponsible” to make what she, and many others, consider racist remarks.
And, Barcelo repeated that as a result of Iriondo's statements, his resignation had been called for by Balearic President Francesc Antich.
Minister Barcelo defended the government's policy of giving equal rights to all island residents in terms of job application.
Barcelo's sentiments were echoed yesterday by Inmaculada de Benito, the Managing Director of the (FEHM) Majorcan Federation of Hotel Businesses who said that contracts given to hotel staff were based exclusively on the candidates' training and professional suitability for the job, and never took into account discriminatory factors such as race and religion. Iriondo has said that only if the board wishes, will he resign.

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