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Justice officials back at work


JUSTICE officials in the Balearics have voted to return to work ending a two-month strike that has paralysed the Spanish justice system.
Members of the two unions representing officials in the islands, the CSI-SSIF and the STAJ, yesterday voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to return to work.

Of the more than 800 officials called to the referendum, 299 voted in favour of accepting the deal, with 27 voting against.
The decision to return to work followed a deal hammered out by the Minister for Justice Mariano Fernández Bermejo, on Sunday with the two main Spanish unions representing the justice officials, the CCOO and the UGT, which will see officials earning an extra 190 euros a month.

The officials are due back in work today. Their first task is to assess the impact of the strike on the justice system in the Balearics. A report is due to be delivered to the Spanish Department of Justice by Thursday. “Each area will have to design a different plan, depending on their situation and the effect of the strike on each community,” said Andrés Bou, the head of the CSI-CSIF.

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