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Soller tunnel tolls increased in line with Consumer Price Index

THE Council of Majorca has approved a rise in tolls for the Soller tunnel in line with the Consumer Price Index.
From now on the toll for non-residents will be 4.25 euros (a rise of 10 centimos).
Residents will pay 5 centimos more, taking their toll to 1.10 euros.
With regard to motor bikes, the price of their toll goes from 1.65 euros to 1.70 for non residents and stays at 40 centimos for residents.
Heavy vehicles will have to pay 6.65 euros instead of the 6.50 they were paying (1.70 instead of 1.65 for residents), and the toll for special vehicles rises from 7.40 euros to 7.55. Residents will pay 1.95 instead of 1.90.

The councillor for Public Works, Antoni Pascual, and the spokesperson for the PSM (Majorcan Socialists) on the Council of Majorca, Antoni Alorda, repeated the same arguments they have every time an increase in the Soller tunnel tolls is approved.

Alorda said he lamented the fact that there are still toll roads on Majorca, in spite of all the money that the Balearic Government and the Council of Majorca have spent on roads during their term of office.

He added that, with all the money they have invested in Majorca during these years, the two institutions could have agreed a formula so that the people would not have to pay to use the roads.

The councillor for Public Works insisted that to recover the concession to be able to lift the toll would leave the Council of Majorca without resources and he reminded Alorda that the increase was in line with the Consumer Price Index, as laid down by the law.

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