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Crackdown on drinking

Palma.—One of them is raising the permitted age of drinking alcohol to 18 and the Minister has made it clear that once the new law comes into force, regional government will not be allowed to introduce any variations of the law.

The new drinking law is part of the government's new drive to protect children, however a new drinking law, it is hoped, will also reduce antisocial behaviour such as bottelon street parties which will begin springing up soon once the warm weather arrives.

Domestic violence
Children of couples who have been involved in domestic violence cases will also now be classified as “victims”, amending a law passed in 2004, in which acts of violence are considered “as a manifestation of discrimination, the inequality and power relations of men over women, exerted on these by those who are or have been their spouses or those who are or have been linked to them by similar affective relationships, even without cohabitation”.

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