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Dry stone route forges ahead

DESPITE budgetary constraints, the Council of Majorca is continuing with its building of the cross-country excursion trail through the Tramuntana mountains known as the “Dry Stone Route,” Environment Councillor, Marilena Tugores siaid yesterday.

Already, a large part of the old paths from Andratx to Pollensa has been upgraded and signposted. According to the Council of Majorca's current project plans, there are only three stretches which need to be rebuilt which are between Andratx and Estellencs, through La Trapa, and between Esporles and Deya.

However, the route can't be pronounced complete until the stone mountain refuges have been properly reformed and brought up to standard for public use.
There are eight refuges altogether - five are already prepared for opening in Deya, Soller, Lloseta, Escorca, and Pollensa. Three still to be given an overhaul are at La Trapa in Andratx, at sa Coma den Vidal (Estellencs) and another in Esporles. The refuge at sa Coma den Vidal is however, well on its way to completion. It was a property purchased by the government years ago with funds from the former “eco-tax” raised by the former Socialist government in the Balearics. Tugores said she anticipates more funding from Central Government this year to complete the reforms.

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