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A COUNTRY property in Banyalbufar recently acquired by the regional government as part of an environmental and cultural heritage programme, will be open to the public this weekend. The estate , named “Planicia” will also be open free of charge all weekends and public holidays during April and May.

In Palma yesterday, Balearic Environment Minister, Miquel Angel Grimalt was presenting the government's reform plans for the estate which is located in the Tramuntana mountain range. La Caixa banking group's cultural foundation is contributing towards the alterations to Planicia with an investment of 136'000 euros. Grimalt said that the 10 million euros which is due from Central Government to support the financing of the project has still not arrived, but added that he was confident that it would be with the regional authorities by the latest within two months' time. “It's now a matter of urgency for my ministry,” said Grimalt “because we have meanwhile had to take the money from other departmental projects. We won't make it to the end of the year if we don't get the funding.” The estate at Planicia, measuring some 445 hectares has been earmarked for upgrading of its terraces, structural reform of the main property, forest clearance, maintenance and signposting of cross-country excursion routes and the development of recreational areas.

Grimalt said that part of the value of the property is linked to its position within a landscape of outstanding natural beauty, boasting “spectacular panoramic” views over the sea. “It's one of the most beautiful estates in the whole of the Tramuntana mountain range,” said Grimalt. The Balearic government is currently applying to UNESCO for the whole of the Tramuntana to be designated a “biosphere” region, thereby both conserving the area and increasing the tourist attraction of Majorca.

To visit Planicia during public holidays and weekends in April and May, a special bus service is being laid on which will leave from Estellencs and Banyalbufar (where it is possible to park) at 20 minute intervals.

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