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Offers in the wings for Balearic doctors

THE public health service in Murcia (SMS) yesterday made job offers to doctors currently employed by the Balearic health service (Ib-salut) who are baulking at the demand to take basic examinations in Catalan.

Some forty doctors currently employed on Ibiza have written a letter to the government announcing their intentions to leave Ib-salut because their linguistic ability is being judged before their contribution to the health service. These and other like-minded colleagues took part in demonstrations on Wednesday to bring what they see as discrimination into the limelight. Murcia's Health Minister, Maria Angeles Palacios, said yesterday that doctors working in the Balearic Islands who are being forced to take Catalan exams are welcome to work in Murcia where they will only need to speak Castillian Spanish, “the official language of Spain.”

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