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Spanair buyers urged to keep HQ in Palma


THE Balearic Government yesterday impressed upon the CEO of Spanair, Lars Lindgren, the importance of keeping the airline company's headquarters in Palma.

The Transport Minister Gabriel Vicens met Lindgren as part of a series of meetings about the progress of the sale of the company.
Vicens asked Lindgren to express to potential buyers the “great importance” for the Government and the Balearics of keeping the airline's headquarters and its current workforce in Palma.

The meeting between the two men, according to the Government, was designed to get across the Executive's position and make known the importance - in relation to the economy, employment and air connections - to the Balearics of keeping the airline's operating structure in Palma.

Vicens also expressed the will of the Government to work with the airline to make sure it maintained its headquarters in Palma. Vicens added that it was important that the Government be kept up to date about the sale to avoid a climate of uncertainty in relation to jobs.

Lindgren, according to the Government, had agreed to appraise potential buyers of the Government's position and would maintain an “open line of communication”. Lindgren also explained that SAS, the owner of Spanair, was giving priority to find a buyer that would be solvent in the future and that had viable plans for the airline.

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