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THE days of the rainbow-coloured police car in Majorca are coming to an end. From now on, all new Local Police cars will be painted white.
The new design will save 3'000 euros on the cost of each car. Antoni Donaire, the Palma councillor responsible for public safety, unveiled the new design yesterday.

He said the council had invested 250'000 euros to acquire two Honda Accords, six Renault Meganes, 12 Honda 250cc motorscooters and a Honda Civic, which will be dedicated to detecting and sanctioning illegal parking in bus lanes.

Donaire said that the council was to receive 1.3 million in capital spending to renovate the entire fleet of 250 police cars.
This year, the council will purchase 97 vehicles, including 20 125cc scooters, 28 225cc scooters, 20 motorbikes between 400cc and 600cc, an all-terrain vehicle, 21 patrol cars and seven vans.

Donaire said that the existing multi-coloured vehicles, which were brought in by the last administration, would continue in service until the entire fleet had been replaced.

He said that some of these vehicles were already 10 years old.
The Balearic Minister for the Interior, María Angeles Leciñena, said that it was the police force itself who had requested a change in the colour scheme following the decision of the last administration to paint all the vehicles red, yellow and purple.

She said that there was a “consensus” among the different police forces that there should be a single colour.
Leciñena added that this design was used by the majority of the autonomous communities.
She added that in her opinion this would “facilitate their identification” by the thousands of tourists who visited the islands.
Leciñena said that the saving accruing from the new design would mean more money spent on vehicles and greater resources for the local police forces throughout the islands.

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