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Gesa measures air quality to protect the environment

THE power company Gesa Endesa has extended its vigilance to the analysis of the quality of the air in the areas where they have their generating plants, with the aim of protecting the environment.

Sources for the company said yesterday that they are taking periodic measurements and studying the levels of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, particles, lead, benzine, and carbon monoxide.

According to a company spokesman, the levels measured are well within the limits imposed by the law and they have not detected “any non compliance with the law” relating to contaminants during the study period.

Gesa highlighted that they are continuing to measure the quality of the air, including some cases where the law does not demand it.
At the moment, there are stations for control and measurement of the air quality around the power stations in Alcudia, Son Reus, Mahon and Ibiza.
All the stations are strategically situated in rural or surburban areas to collect the most reliable measurements.
In addition to these controls, the company has two mobile stations which are sited in strategic locations to collect data with the maximum precision.
GESA has been awarded an ISO 14001 certificate for its environmental work in the fields of transport, transformation and distribution of electricity.
The certificate was presented earlier this week, together with awards for the company workers who have done most to help the company achieve it.

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