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Palma tapas fair triples in size

A TAPAS fair opens for the second year running today at the s'Escorxador civic centre in Palma, but this time with triple the amount of stands it had last year.

The fair is taking up the whole of the exhibition space and is aiming to attract some 70'000 visitors - double the amount who attended last year. The event is organised by the restaurant section of the Majorcan small to medium-sized business association in conjunction with Palma City Council and the regional Tourism ministry. It will remain open until Sunday 5th April. The occasion will have the backing of prestigious wine companies Macia Batle and José L. Ferrer and will host professional competitions to find the best dining room managers (maîtres) on the islands. Organisers said that the Tapas Fair had become a “platform for the best in the business.” Today, the fair is open 7pm-12am; days 3 and 4 April from 12 noon to 4pm, and 7pm-12am respectively, and finally on 5th April from 12 noon to 4pm.

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