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Calvia is the Balearic council most in debt

CALVIA Council has a current debt of 1'405 euros per capita, the second highest in the Balearics and nearly three times the national average of 556.
Looking at the global picture, Palma City Council is the Balearic local authority with the largest debt.
In fact, in the national council debt rankings, Palma occupies seventeenth place. However, although it is 124.4 million euros in debt, the municipality has a population of nearly 397'000.

In Calvia, where the population is just 50'777 strong, the council's total debt runs to 71.3 million.
At the other end of the scale, Ariany council, for example, has no debt at all. Estellencs's is 7'000 euros and in Banyabulfar, the council has a debt of just 22'000 euros. According to the annual report published by the Ministry for Tax and Finance yesterday, by the end of last year Balearic local councils had run up a grand total debt of 503'448'000 euros.

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