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Foreigners have more work accidents

THE UGT trade union yesterday warned that the work accidents suffered by foreign workers in the Balearics increased by 42 percent in 2006.
The UGT presented their annual report about work accidents in the Balearics, in which they complain that “while those in power continue to refuse to supply funds to tackle this problem, anything else which is done will be practically useless”.

According to the union, the number of accidents causing time off work fell by 0.35 percent for Spanish workers, in comparison with an increase of 42 percent for foreign employees. In accordance with their analysis, “the deterioration” of the labour market “is a factor which contributes in good measure to the accident rate”, given that 56 of every 100 workers who have accidents have a temporary contract.

The UGT's report reflects that the work accident rate rose by 5.13 percent in the Balearics last year, where there were 27'934 accidents, of which 16'780 were in the services sector and 8'633 in construction, this being 90 percent of the total. The report highlights that non serious accidents rose by 5.31 percent last year, although serious and fatal accidents decreased by 14 and 45 percent respectively.

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