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Tight security for the Mayor of Calvia

THERE were tight security measures when Mayor of Calvia, Carlos Delgado, laid the first stone of the new Galatzo municipal school amid fears that Galatzo residents might take advantage of this act to demonstrate their opposition to the expansion of the Son Bugadelles.

Under the general development plan (PHOU) for Calvia, which has been adapted to the Council of Majorca's Territorial Plan for the island, the industrial estate is due to be developed towards their houses.

Carrying placards with the slogan “No Poligono expansion”, some 100 Galatzo residents watched as Delgado paid them a visit surrounded by heavy police security (nine Guardia Civil officers, six local police officers and two anti riot officers).

He was also accompanied by all the councillors belonging to the ruling Partido Popular party of Calvia council, who had been ordered to attend the event.

As part of their demonstration, the protesters closed the access road to Galatzo for five minutes while they shouted slogans against the plans to expand the industrial estate.

After the ceremony, the Mayor had a tense meeting with the protesters during which he tried to convince them of the advantages of the new Town Plan for Calvia.

The deputy mayor of the Town Planning department, Teresa Martorell, had already tried the week before to convince the Galatzo residents of the advantages of expanding the industrial estate towards their houses.

However, her attempts were in vain and the residents remained unconvinced.

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