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Easter “killer” critical but stable in hospital

Palma.—The 40-year-old suspect, who is accused of having attacked his 34-year-old girl friend at 3.50pm with a “large kitchen knife” and stabbed her various times, one of which proved fatal, yesterday had his stomach and esophagus removed.

Apparently, Mustafah H. tried to take his own life by drinking what is thought to have been caustic soda.
However, he did manage to make his own way to the national Police where he reported and apparently admitted to what he had done. He was subsequently rushed to hospital However, when police and paramedics reached the scene of the attack, there was sadly nothing that could have been done to have saved the young woman's life.

According to sources close to the investigation, she had been wanting to end their relationship for some time and had given him an ultimatum to move out of the flat, but Mustafa was said to have been “obsessed” with her and had even been stalking her over the past few weeks.

But Court and police sources said yesterday that Soledad had not lodged any complaints of domestic violence against her husband but with the number of women having died at the hands of their partners in Spain having reached 12, the Minister for Health, Social Services and Equality in Madrid, Ana Mato, yesterday called on all victims of domestic violence to come forward before it is too late. The Balearic government has also strongly condemned this latest incident. Soledad's death has shocked the Bolivian community and, while coming to terms with her killing, friends have mounted a campaign to raise the necessary funds to have her body repatriated for burial and fliers were being posted around Palma yesterday.

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