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Monthly protest to save rural Palma takes place again

THE Majorcan Nationalists members of Palma council yesterday made their 15th monthly march to La Real.
Sources from the group said that the march, which left the Plaza Cort at 7.30pm, had been organised as part of “their fight for the conservation of the land, in defence of the rural spaces in Palma” and “as a demonstration of support for the Save La Real movement”. Taking part in the march were representatives of the Balearic Cultural Work group (OCB) and Majorcan Young People's Language group.
The PSM sources explained that this march signified an act of reclamation and was the renewal of these regular marches, which have had to be cancelled in the last few months because of the inclement weather. Since the movement was set up over a year ago is has received huge support, not only from local residents, but also some of Spain's biggest stars and last year many took part in a fund raising concert.

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