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Unsafe vehicles brought to book

IN 2005, inspection centres commissioned by Majorca's ruling Council ensured that 211'000 vehicles on the Island were roadworthy. Of this figure, 26 percent had to go through a second test to make sure they had come up to scratch on deficiences pinpointed first time round. A spokesman for the Council reported that 55'000 vehicles didn't pass their first inspection, either through failure to meet minimum legal safety standards for using public highways, or because the pollution in the exhaust they were producing was above permitted levels. Looking at results overall, the majority of problems detected following compulsory Vehice Inspection programmes carried out last year were related to the poor functioning of lights and indicators. Next in line as a reason for failing the test were engine problems and poor braking mechanisms. Deficiences which were highlighted by the examining boards but not considered such major hazards, were motor and traction shortcomings along with poor directional lighting.

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