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Port improvements in Palma to host larger cruise ships

THE Balearic Ports authority made a number of improvements to port installations in Palma last week, including one to make docking easier for large cruise ships.

Included in the projects which cost a total of three million euros were a fixed docking arm in the West Dock (Dique del Oeste) and the reform of installations in the Portopi naval base. The Ports Authority explained yesterday that because increasingly large cruise ships are coming to Palma, a fixed docking arm located 65 metres away from the jetty allows ships of up to 200 metres in length to moor up. This feature alone cost 795'000 euros to put in place. Another welcome measure is the setting up on the Poniente wharf of an information centre for passengers, along with the improvement of the air conditioning system at Ferry Terminal No. 2 and a new roof on Ferry Terminal 3 on the Pelaires wharfs. Investigations in Palma port are still ongoing after an incident two weeks ago when a cruise liner snapped its moorings in particularly strong wind, resulting in the gang plank collapsing into the water bringing with it an elderly passenger who was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

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