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Protection of nature prize

THE German travel magazine “Geo Saison” has given its 2005 prize for the protection of nature and the environment to the naturalist and biologist Evelyn Tewes for her work for the protection of the black vulture on Majorca during the last 20 years. This prize, which is called the “Green Palm” and is included in a series of prizes called the “Golden Palms”, was awarded during the tourist fair ITB, which is taking place in Berlin. Tewes is one of the main instigators of the Foundation for the Conservation of the Black Vulture, which works to stop the disappearance from Majorca of the biggest bird of prey in Europe. According to this Foundation, 20 years ago there were less than 20 black vultures on the island, but the steps taken to enlarge the population have meant that the population of this breed has now grown to 110 birds.

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