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PSOE in the Balearics

THE PSOE won 207'639 votes in the Balearics in the elections to the central government Congress of Deputies on Sunday, 366 more than the PP. It's the first time the Socialists have won more votes than the populares since the 1980s.

Francesc Antich, the Balearic President and Secretary General of the party in the Islands, said the result “reinforced more than ever” the Balearic Government, which must now “respond to the expectations” of the citizens.

There was no change in the make-up of the eight Balearic seats in the Congress of Deputies, the PSOE and PP winning four apiece just as in 2004.
But Sunday's result was an undoubted victory for the Socialists in the Balearics. In 2004, the Socialists won 184'870 votes and 39.52 percent of the vote. On Sunday, they won over 22'000 more votes and were up 4.6 percentage points to 44.12 percent of the popular vote. The latter figure is the highest percentage of the vote the Socialists have won in the Islands, higher even than the 40.6 percent of the vote they polled when Felipe Gonzalez swept to power in 1982.

Antich described the result as “historic” and said Socialist supporters in the Balearics were “exultant”.
He described the result in Majorca as “good”. Despite the fact that the PP outpolled the Socialists by almost 6'000 votes, 167'850 votes to 161'979 votes, the Socialist still won over 16'000 votes more than they did four years ago, increasing their share of the vote from 38.63 percent to 43.03 percent. Meanwhile, Antich described the results for the Socialists in Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera as “extraordinary”. In Minorca, the Socialists won 19'070 votes to the PP's 17'124, picking up over 2'000 votes compared to 2004 when they were outpolled by the populares. In Ibiza and Formentera, the PSOE won 24'934 votes, almost 49.93 percent of the vote, to the PP's 21'164 or 42.35 percent. In 2004, the PP won 23'284 votes or 45.5 percent, while the Socialists won 22'887 or 44.8 percent.

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