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Met Office says February was “quite normal”

SOURCES at the National Met Office (AEMET) said yesterday that it assessed February this year to have been a “normal month” in terms of temperature and rainfall levels.

A spokesman said that average temperatures were “usual” for the time of year right across the country, whilst rainfall was also within accepted limits both on the mainland and in the Balearics, whilst the Canary Islands had been particularly “damp.” In terms of temperature, a winter chill was felt in Cantabria, in the Balearics and across a large part of the Mediterranean coastline, except in the area of Malaga which escaped the worst of the cold. There were even some spots in Castilla-La Mancha, the central mainland and the isolated southeastern seaboard which enjoyed pockets of warm spring-like days. In any event, said the Met Office report, the weather patterns changed radically as the month of February progressed.

The first ten days of the month witnessed cold and even intense cold over much of the mainland, except eastern areas bordering the Mediterranean and in the River Ebro basin, the north east and in the Balearics where excessive cold and heavy snowfall failed to make its mark. Normal to warmer temperatures spread across the country in the second ten days of the month although cold spells still gripped Cantabria, the Balearics and the southeast mainland.

The final third of February warmed considerably, with large areas of the eastern mainland registering some particularly higher temperatures. A chill winter wind still blew, however, across the eastern part of the mainland, in the Balearics and in the River Ebro basin. The Canaries had normal weather patterns throughout the month.

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