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Matas “hid” secret income details

INVESTIGATIONS have revealed that ex Balearic president and Partido Popular (PP) leader, Jaume Matas was reportedly paid a total of 60'000 euros by the PP over a period of a year even after he had left Balearic politics and was working for a private property company in Washington in the United States. Spanish newspaper reports allege that the payments were 5'000 euros monthly and began in July 2007 and finished in June 2008. A first statement from the party suggests the payments constitute an “authentic scandal” because they were paid at a time when Matas had nothing to do with the PP and further that “nobody told us anything about them (the payments).” Matas himself, asked in an interview in September 2008 whether he received any other payment other than that which he had been given as Balearic president, apparently hid the details of this monthly “income.”
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