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Smoking in the work place goes on

OVER a quarter of workers in the regions of the Balearic Islands and Valencia continue smoking in their place of work in spite of it now being illegal.

The trend was confirmed yesterday in the publication of a Balearic University report. Its findings will be presented at the 13th annual Congress on Public Health in Spain, SESPAS 2009. The same sources said however, the good news is that 9.5 percent of employees stopped smoking a month after the law came into force, and now, a year-and-a-half after the enforcement of the law, they haven't taken up the habit again.

The study concludes that in spite of figures related to the Balearics Islands and Valencia, the anti-smoking laws which were introduced in draft form across Spain three years ago have been very effective in bringing down the number of smokers and the number of cigarettes which are inhaled. The investigation entitled: “The impact of anti-smoking laws on the work place” carried out by the University hopes to monitor what, if any, affect the ban has had on the nature of complaints that people in the Balearic Islands and Valencia bring to their GPs.

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