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Council hits back at dog pound claims


PALMA Council's Director of Health, Begoña Sanchez, has hit back at allegations of possible mistreatment of animals at the municipal pound at Son Reus by those responsible for the Centro Canino.

Sanchez, who is responsible for Son Reus, said the accusations were “regrettable” and smacked of “demagoguery”.
She said the Centro Canino, which is waiting on a legal ruling to see if it can remain open, was the only one responsible for its own animals. “If they don't want Palma Council to take responsibility, then they should look for somewhere else,” she said. “At the moment Mr Juan Gil is responsible for those animals and it is he who must deal with the consequences of his actions.” Sanchez denied that any type of mistreatment of animals took place at Son Reus.
Sanchez made the comments while visiting the pound this weekend on its open day. She was accompanied by the director of the pound, Pedro Morell. The visit was part of the council's campaign to make people aware of the consequences of abandoning their animals. “One of the worst forms of mistreatment of animals,” according to Sanchez. “Son Reus is a model centre,” said Sanchez, “though of course the abandonment of animals is a major problem in Palma.” “We need to intensify our collaboration with refuges and other bodies, as well as promoting adoption.” Sanchez said the objective of the council was to have “zero” animals put down by 2011. “Balearic law provides for putting an animal down when it has been abandoned but it always takes place have a period of 21 days has passed.”

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