MORE than 235'000 people declared between 6'000 and 21'000 euros to the Inland Revenue in the Balearics in 2007, said the Tax Office yesterday after publishing reports which were finalised in 2009.
The figures represent contribution to the state paid by income earning society, whether it be through salaries, running a business or renting properties. To this would have to be added the amount of capital that people have in the form of savings, stocks and shares and other property deals. Data shows on a lower income scale that nearly 14'500 people declared their economic activity earned them less than 1'500 euros for the year, 3.25 percent of the total.
However, right at the opposite end of the spectrum, nearly 3'000 people - 0.66 percent of those making tax returns - claimed their income ran to more than 150'000 euros in the 2007 tax year.